
Transgender Women Accepted Into Japanese Women’s Universities

We’ve translated some Japanese media and social media about recent moves for the Women’s Universities in Japan to welcome transgender women as students.

There are a group of Women’s Universities in Japan that have recently come out to say that they will soon start accepting transgender women. This is, of course, a major change in the country and has been covered in several major news outlets and provoked a lot of discussion, of a more or less civil nature, across social media.

Today we’ve translated some excerpts from Asahi News, The Huffington Post Japan, and a selection of tweets from twitter to get an overview of the coverage.

We present the selections in Japanese, then in English, then sentence by sentence in Japanese and English for those that are interested to get down in the weeds of the language a bit more

トランス女性OK、深化する女子大 課題はハラスメント














Trans women allowed, Women’s Universities Deepen, Harassment Challenge Remains


From this Spring, two public universities, Ochanomizu Women’s University (Tokyo) and Nara Women’s University, have begun accepting transgender students whose sex at time of birth was male but who identify their gender as female.

It is not clear whether any transgender students have yet been admitted.

From next Spring, Miyagi Gakuin Women’s University will also begin admitting transgender students.

As women’s universities that accept transgender women increase, so do the voices calling for safeguards for students.

“It’s the Women’s Universities that provide all women wishing to learn a safe place. That does not apply only to women who are listed as such on the official Family Register. This is an extension of the mission of Women’s Universities.”

So spoke Ochanomizu University Vice Head of School Toru Miura in April.

The university announced that they would accept transgender students in July 2018. Since drafting guidelines in April 2019, preparations have been proceeding.

Prior to the changes, voices expressed their unease at how they should interact with the students 

Questions have been raised about how “people that identify as female” should be validated under the new system.

At Ochanomizu, prospective students are asked to submit an application document prior to sitting the entrance exam and, where necessary, are asked to have an interview to confirm status of their gender identity in relation to exams and student life.

There is no necessity for a medical certificate from a doctor to be produced. “Gender identity changes. We now presume that it is versatile.”

室伏学長(お茶の水女子大学) は会見の冒頭で次のように述べた。










As a national university corporate body, this decision was based on our mission of providing a place to all women who have a sincere desire and dream to learn.

We see this decision as part of a movement to create a women’s university and society that embraces diversity

We dream of a society where “diverse women” can participate in a variety of fields and where each person can achieve their own expression of their own unique human abilities, unrestrained by rigid concepts of gender. 

Though we have come a long way in comparison to societies of the distant past, there are still many barriers to women’s fruitful participation in the workforce.

We believe that we must change the status quo by fostering women’s sense of self worth and resolve to contribute to society, so that they can take their place in society to lead happy lives free from discrimination and prejudice.

We believe that it is the freely functioning women’s university that is able to free women from the conceptions of women’s traditional roles and from unconscious bias.

Our university aims to develop all women, regardless of age or nationality, by guaranteeing each and every individual’s dignity and rights, and pushing forward their learning to create people with the ability to freely express their innate abilities.

In this respect, we consider that it naturally flows that women who identify as female, who hold sincere desires to study at a women’s university, should be welcomed and that this should happen as a matter of course within a society that embraces diversity.

Some Twitter Comments



















I find the Trans-haters, who, without being in any way the ones that are personally affected by the admitting of transexual women (which is to say, students), and say things like “It’s the end of Women’s Universities”, just give me the creeps. I find the idea of studying with them a lot more scary than studying with transexual women.



I find that the ones who say that allowing transexual women into women’s universities is a breach of women’s rights are generally those of the intellectual class with no connection with the university whatsoever.



I think that the use of the word “cost” when talking about matters that affect people’s very being is just not on.

When it was reported last year about Ochanomizu University,  I wrote that it is necessary to extend the provision of toilet amenities and I took criticism over the cost that this would entail.

That is not a “cost”. It is a necessity.


To the people who say that it won’t do to have trans women at Ochanomizu because there are men that will make themselves out to be transgender to get access.

If you heard that there was a country where they said “There are people making themselves out to be Japanese citizens that are coming to our country and committing crimes, so we will ban entry to all Japanese Citizens”, would you just say, “yes, that’s fair enough” and accept it.

I would not.

It’s a similar thing.

Language Learning Program Reviews

Range Life 和訳・歌詞解説

ペイヴメントのRange Lifeは90年代の二つのオルタナティヴバンドの20年間に渡る諍いのきっかけになった曲です。 歌詞の中に「スマッシングパンプキンズ」が出てきますが、スマッシングパンプキンズのビリー・コーガンはこの曲を聞いてとても怒りました。 ビリー・コーガンは1994年のロラパルーザに出演の際、もしペイヴメントが出るならスマッシングパンプキンズは出ないと主張し、ペイヴメントが出演出来なくなったということがありました。 問題になった歌詞を後ほど紹介します。 Range Life 和訳 After the glow, the scene, the stage 白熱、シーン、舞台の後 The sad talk becomes slow 悲しい話は遅くなる But there’s one

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洋楽 和訳

Losing my religion和訳・解説

“Losing my religion”を直訳すれば「宗教・信仰心を失いかけている」ですので、 当然この歌を聞けば「宗教についての歌だろう」と思いがちですね。 でも実際は違うようです。 本人曰く、宗教・信仰とは関係ないそうです。 Losing my religion和訳 Oh life is bigger 生きることは偉大だ It’s bigger than you 君より偉大だ And you are not me 君は僕じゃない

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パール・ジャムの「アライブ」はグランジを代表する大変盛り上がる曲です。しかしあまり知られていないのですが、この盛り上がりとは裏腹に実は非常に暗い内容が詰まっています。ライブでは多くのファンは「I’m alive!」「俺は生きている!」と勢いよく叫びます。 それはそれでいいのですが、この歌詞を書いたエディ・ヴェダー本人が言うにはこのサビの一行は「呪い」のようなものだそうです。 アライブ歌詞和訳 Son she said 息子よと彼女が言った Have I got a little story for you あなたにちょっと話があるの What you thought was your daddy あなたが父さんだと思っていた人は、 Was

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最初から最後まで歌詞を全部解説するビデオはこのメンバービデオで見れます: Mrs Robinson「ロビンソン婦人」は1968年に、Billboard Hot 100で第1位を獲得しグラミー賞も受賞した有名な曲ですね。 でももともとはMrs Robinson「ロビンソン婦人」じゃなくて全然違う名前の曲でした。別の意外な有名人についての歌でした。だれだかもうちょっと後で書きます。 ミセス・ロビンソンと「卒業」 皆さんご存知かもしれませんがまずこの曲は「卒業」という映画の挿入歌として使われた曲です。その映画はある若い男の人が年上の結婚している女性、ロビンソン婦人、に誘惑されて恋愛関係を持つという当時割りと衝撃的な内容映画です。 歌詞のミセス・ロビンソンに対しての見方 でもこの歌の歌詞は、意外なことに、僕が好きなところとして、その「ロビンソン婦人」を批判しているどころか、どっちかというと彼女を褒め称える歌です。まあ、「褒め称える」という言い方はちょっと言い過ぎかもしれません。寛容な目で見ているといった方がいいかもしれません。「同情」している感じですね。 サビを見て行きましょう。 ミセス・ロビンソンのサビ And here’s to you, Mrs. Robinson さあ、聞いてください、ロビンソン婦人 Jesus loves you more than

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洋楽 和訳


音楽は魔法です。現実に存在する魔法だと僕は思っています。 一つの究極な例としてはThe BandのThe Weightを挙げれると思います。 これほど神秘的で不思議な力がある曲はあるでしょうか。 今日はその謎に満ちた歌の歌詞の意味について話したいと思います。 The Weightの概要 まずこの歌の軸になっている、核心的意味を言い切るのはすごく困難だと思います。 大雑把に言えば「自分の重荷を捨てて楽にしましょう」という意味だと思います。 「The Weight」「その重み」というタイトルもその真意を案じているでしょう。 その「重み」というのはどういうものか後で考えて行きたいと思います。 The Weightの固有名詞 この歌で何が印象的かと言うと、固有名詞がやたら多いということです。 名前、地名などなどどんどん出てきます。 しかもその名前、地名は聖書に因んだものがほとんどです。 聖書との関わり ナザレ まず第一行に出てくるナザレです。 世界中でイエスキリストが生まれたとして知られている町の名前ですね。 「この歌の主人公がイエスかよ」と思わせるような歌詞の出だし。 でも実はアメリカにもナザレという街があります。 Pennsylvania州にある6000人余りが住むような小さな街です。

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Who is behind this site?

I’m Peter Joseph Head. I lived in Japan for four years as a student at Kyoto City University of the Arts and on working holiday. I have toured the country six times playing music and speak Japanese (JLPT N1).

