
What’s Trending in Japanese Social Media #3

What's New In Japanese Social Media? #3

日本のSNSまとめ in 英語 and 日本語

Some of the hashtags I’ve seen trending on Japanese social media this week include
#I can’t believe the lack of all sense of ethics

Excuse me, can I tell your fortune?

“Sorry, I just want to eat Teriyaki”

#It would be handy if you could connect this to the internet

Shinkansen driver

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Follow me on social media to see my translations of Japanese social media posts in real time.

#倫理観が無すぎる #I can’t believe the lack of all sense of ethics

Rainy Season Comes Early In Japan

Beautiful Japanese Quote

#か突然ですが占ってもいいですか Excuse me, can I tell your fortune?

#てりやき食べたくてすみません “Sorry, I just want to eat Teriyaki”

#新幹線運転士 Shinkansen driver

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Who is behind this site?

I’m Peter Joseph Head. I lived in Japan for four years as a student at Kyoto City University of the Arts and on working holiday. I have toured the country six times playing music and speak Japanese (JLPT N1).

